The SCA Laboratory offers its customers the service of sampling and analysis of the following types of water including:

  • Well and surface waters (sea, river, lakes, springs),
  • Drinking water (Legislative Decree 31/2001 as amended) and for human consumption,
  • Groundwater (D. Lgs. n. 152/06 Part. IV Tit. V all. 5 tab. 2), 
  • Wastewater (D.Lgs. 152/06 annex 5 to p.te III tab. 3 and tab. 4 for discharges to sewer, sea or soil)
  • Swimming Pool Waters.


All analyses are performed using official methods (including APAT CNR IRSA, ISTISAN, UNICHIM, UNI, ISO, EPA). The laboratory constantly participates in interlaboratory tests on national and international circuits, so as to guarantee the certainty of the result and a high standard of quality in compliance with the UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard (for accredited tests consult the Accredia website).