Environmental monitoring
The laboratory has mobile units equipped with continuous analyzers (NOx, SO2, O3, CO, H2S, Methane, NMHC, BTEXS), sequential samplers (PM10, PM2.5, PTS, VOC, etc.) and meteoclimatic units.
Among the parameters determined discontinuously we search for: asbestos, dust, solvents, metals, ammonia, mercaptans, acids, etc..
In the field of marine monitoring, the main activities concern:
- installation and management of buoys equipped with probes for continuous monitoring of parameters including pH, conductivity, redox potential, salinity, turbidity and chlorophyll;
- analysis of macro-zoobenthic communities and assessment of ecological quality through the calculation of the AMBI and M-AMBI Index;
- evaluation of the levels of bioaccumulation of pollutants with Mussel-Watch protocol;
- water and sediment sampling.