Noise, microclimate and radon
SCA Analytical Services with its technicians carries out physical measures to meet any of the Client's environmental and health and safety needs in the workplace.
The main activities in this regard include the analysis of environmental noise (external environment) also in continuous and long term, noise in work environments illuminance and microclimate measurements.
The Apulia Region with L.R. n. 30 of 03/11/2016 and smi "Rules on the reduction of exposure to natural radioactivity from the gas 'radon' in a confined environment" regulates exposure to ionizing radiation generated by Radon.
This law applies to buildings intended for education (including nursery and kindergarten), buildings not intended for education and open to the public, excluding residential buildings, and requires an annual measurement (on a six-monthly basis) of the level of radon gas activity concentration.
The SCA laboratory carries out measurements of natural radioactivity from the gas "Radon" in confined and living environments.