CSS - Secondary Solid Fuels

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CSS - Secondary Solid Fuels

CSS are secondary solid fuels obtained from non-hazardous waste, prepared to be sent for energy recovery in incineration or co-incineration plants. According to UNI EN 15359:2011, producers define the class to which a CSS belongs based on three basic parameters: Lower Calorific Value (PCI), Chlorine and Mercury. SCA Laboratory is accredited by Accredia for these determinations and is able to analytically support its customers during the entire CSS classification phase, from the drafting of the sampling plan to the analysis of the parameters necessary for the classification, including: Ash, Moisture, Density, CHNS elemental analysis, Metals and Size, etc. The main activities in the CSS sector include:

  • sampling in accordance with UNI EN 15442;
  • analysis and classification according to UNI EN 15359 and UNI/TS 11553.

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